Medical Massage

Medical Massage Therapy in Ossining and Briarcliff Manor NY

There are many who enjoy massage for its mental, spiritual and relaxing benefits as part of overall wellness, health maintenance, and balance. Then there are others, typically athletes, who have activity induced pain and employ massage therapy as part of their overall athletic regimen to speed recovery and reduce muscle soreness. But for those who may have suffered an accident, a physical misalignment, or pain from repetitive usage, medical massage can become part of the solution of minimizing, eliminating, and even preventing issues from becoming chronic.

The medical massage provided at Hudson Holistics is a deep tissue one, incorporating trigger point work, range of motion and passive stretching. Click here for an appointment with Amy or Christine.

Medical massage is well suited to alleviate pain related to trauma from accidents (whiplash), sports related sprains and strains, repetitive injuries from job related activities (carpal tunnel syndrome), nerve compression (thoracic outlet syndrome), congenital conditions (scoliosis), or general malaise (fibromyalgia), among other afflictions.

My extensive training and experience guide my initial client evaluation. Passive, active, and resisted range of motion are observed. Contraindications, physician diagnoses (if provided) and your healing stage inform the protocol customized for individual clients.

A client intake form (click here to download) will be recorded at your initial visit.  Post evaluation, you will receive treatment, if appropriate. If you have a physician’s prescription for repeated sessions, we will work to that schedule.  Otherwise, your healing stage will be part of the determination for sessions scheduling and the techniques to be employed, be it trigger-point, hot or cold packs, assisted stretching, strain-counterstrain, or some other suitable methodology.

After the verbal intake, SOAP notes taken each session will map the regimen for the subsequent session(s). Your body will be giving you feedback which you’ll share with me and I’ll couple that with my observations to ensure we are on track. Why suffer when there’s a holistic way to get better? Book an appointment for an evaluation and we can begin the path to improvement.