Incorporating CBD into Your Massage Treatment

Incorporating CBD into Your Massage Treatment

With many states legalizing medical marijuana and cannabis oil in recent years, many health practitioners have begun incorporating them into their treatment regimens. Compounds found in marijuana like cannabidiol (CBD) enables users to obtain all of the health benefits from the plant without any of the psychotropic side-effects. In fact, CBD has become a popular medicine for treating everything from seizures to chronic muscle pain.

Our team of massage therapists in Ossining, NY, are frequently asked about the benefits of incorporating CBD into a medical massage regimen, so we’ve collected a few facts for you.

CBD has a Host of Health Benefits

CBD, which comes in oils, salves, creams and a host of other products, has many different health benefits. It’s been found to aid those with arthritis, broken bones, sports injuries and even neurological disorders like Tourette syndrome and autism. It’s also been found to provide anxiety relief and, more recently, aid in the rebuilding of muscle tissues.

How is CBD Incorporated into a Massage Regimen?

Most often CBD is added to a normal or medical massage regimen in the way of lotions used by your therapist to treat your muscles. It’s important to note that CBD extract from hemp plants will in no way produce an intoxicating effect because they have no THC, the psychoactive chemical compound found in marijuana. However, CBD extracted from marijuana plants may contain a percentage of THC that can be absorbed by the skin, so be aware of this before beginning treatment.

Your Body’s Receptors Absorb CBD

According to the National Institutes of Health, CBD is a chemical that binds to receptors in your body. These receptors are present in every organ, including your skin, which is why even a simple massage with CBD oil can provide you with pain and inflammation relief.

Our massage therapists can help you heal!

If you’ve suffered a sports-related injury or require treatment for chronic ailments, contact our team of licensed massage therapists in Ossining or Briarcliff Manor, NY, today. You can also visit us online to book your appointment.